Why has Resilience become such a Buzzword?


Resilience is one of the latest buzzwords, which is searched for more than 550,000 times per month on Google alone. Organizations are looking for cultivating the trait of resilience in their employees. The industries have always demanded resilience.

But what exactly is resilience? And, why does the whole world seem to be looking for it?

What exactly is Mental Resilience?

Every action starts with the mind, thought and thinking. That’s why resilience also begins from the mind. Hence, Mental Resilience is the starting point of all actions of resilience. 

Here are some of the Revelations about Mental Resilience:

  • Mental Resilience is developing mental tenacity to be able to bounce back from just about anything and everything that may happen to you in your life. Mental Resilience is needed in all aspects of life, whether personal or professional.
  • Humans don’t live compartmentalized lives. Most people don’t even realize how many times they lose their mental balance during the course of an ordinary day. Mental Resilience is about developing and strengthening your mental environment in such a manner that betterment is reached in all of our activities, all of the time. Mental Resilience is needed by both the victims and victors. Mental Resilience is needed by both the winners and losers.
  • The business world is the urban jungle in which anyone can easily feel lost. There are several examples of suffocation due to dissatisfaction despite being financially well-off. There are several examples of smothering disappointments where people have a million dreams and nil financial and other resources for their fulfillment. Having recurring failures in all attempted endeavors can be extremely frustrating. Countless great ideas and no recognition can be excruciating. Getting over these and many more such terrible situations is done only through Mental Resilience.
  • Mental Resilience is needed in all aspects of life, whether personal or professional. Time and again, I have said that human beings do not live compartmentalized lives. Most of us do not even realize how many times we lose our mental balance during the course of an ordinary day. Just try telling to someone who has unexpectedly flared into a rage, or has chosen to pass snide remarks at you, or even gives you the silent treatment, that they have lost their mental balance, and you are in for deeper troubles. But this is exactly what happens when someone chooses to behave in a manner, which is not correct. Now there can be huge debates on what is “correct” and what is “incorrect”, and they’re usually are. Still, we all just “know” what is correct from incorrect, no matter what we say outwardly, either to others or even to ourselves.
  • Mental Resilience is about developing and strengthening your mental environment in such a manner that the betterment reached is manifested in all of your activities, all of the time. Sounds phenomenal? Yes, it is.

Attaining such a state where nothing disturbs the peace and calmness within should be a real feat, right? Yes, it is. And what are the benefits accrued in the process? Tremendous! Absolutely infinite!

In fact, all of the things that individuals attempt to attain can be directly attributed to your Mental Resilience. All of your achievements and disappointments, irrespective of the field of pursuit are because of your Mental Resilience.

Send us a mail at info@neenadayal.com to know more about our Mental Resilience Program.

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