Good Communication Skills for Improving Your Relationships

In the present times, people are communicating much more extensively with each other than what they used to do 10 or 15 years back. There are also more breakdowns of relationships that have happened in these years. Most of the time, good communication is considered to be a foundation for improving your relationships. If good relationships are only based on good communication, they should get better because of the enhancement of communication. But this is clearly not so. Why? It’s a qualitative issue rather than the quantitative one.

This increase in communication has come about because of the advancement of technology. People can remain in communication all round-the-clock if need be. Still, they feel lonelier in their relationships.

Most organizations face a situation where despite all means of communication available people still refrain from communicating. And in turn, a breakdown of relationships is seen. The same is also seen in personal relationships. Good communication skills definitely play a very important role in cultivating, nurturing and managing your relationships

Some Important Communication Skills Pointers of Utmost Importance in Relationships Management:  

1. Intention Behind the Communication is Important:

Relationships are based on not just the frequency of communication but on how communication is actually done. Just like it is not just enough to give a gift, it is also important how the gift is given. Same way, it is not just enough to have more ways of communication, but what matters most is the hidden intention and emotion behind the message communicated.

Due to the short messaging services also the intention behind the message gets distorted heavily and becomes cropped and distorted many times.

2. Real Communication is that what is Finally Understood at the Receiver’s End:

The essence of communication is not just in what is said or projected from the originating end, but it lies in what is understood at the receiver’s end.

Human beings are different and unique in many ways. Their backgrounds are different. Their upbringing is different. Their talents and skills are different. As a result, their place in society is different. All this affects their thinking. Therefore, their thinking is also different. This influences their interpretations, observations, and understanding of everything, including their understanding of communication.

Good communication skills involve getting the communication understood at the receiver’s end.

3. Human Relationships Exist in Every Business and Personal Situation so Communication Skills are Important Everywhere:

Every business situation has human to human contact, no matter how automated the communication flow processes may be. Every personal situation definitely has a human component attached to irrevocably. Therefore, human relationships exist just everywhere and need a foundation of good communication skills.

Management of relationships with the only improvement in communication and presentation skills is not sufficient. The real human connection is always important in good communication skills.

All who have experienced the robotic treatment given by call-center executives know how important the human element is in communication.

4. Learning Emotional Elements is Important Even for Business Networking:

Just the management of relationships is not the only important thing for business networking. It is much more important to be able to cultivate and nurture relationships if one wishes to truly maximize the opportunities attached to the relationships. These aspects have deep-rooted emotional elements.

It is a well-known fact that people do business with those whom they can get to like. And liking is the word used in layman terms for developing some positive emotional inclinations towards another.

Emotional elements are tricky to understand and use in business relationships but they are nevertheless important for the cultivation of good networking skills.

Every business thrives on repeat revenue generation, and this happens only with cultivating enduring relationships. 

5. Learning Brevity is Important as No One Has a Lot of Time These Days:

Lengthy communications can lead to killing all communication. Learning to say everything in a simple, clear, precise and short way is therefore extremely important. Attention spans are short as digressions and distractions are on the rise. So, whatever needs to be said needs to be said in short. Consider this as an iron rule of good communication skills.

It should not happen that people start avoiding you because they know you will take an endless time just to say your greeting. So, take a wakeup call and see if you fall into this category of long-drawn communicators. It is an absolute “No-No” if you wish to develop good communication skills leading to good business and personal relationships.

Relationships are far more important than anything else. Cultivating human relationships should be on the number one priority for everyone, who wishes to be successful. Communicating properly with underlining purity of intent with care to emotional elements is consequently mandatory.

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