Clueless About Pretense Gratitude?
Differences Between Thankfulness and Gratefulness

Book Description

Have you ever attempted the process of generating feelings of gratitude as prescribed and then left them after a while because you did not see any benefits coming expressly to you?

Have you ever seen a large group of people at a gathering expressing their elation in various ways - clapping, singing, dancing, jumping with joy, and even getting moved to tears?

Have you ever wondered what exactly was going on with all these seemingly intelligent people?

Have you ever thought that perhaps they may be faking it all?

This little book is an effort to bring clarity on all of the above and more.

Get this book to learn how to go deeper than just thankfulness to receive all the benefits from deep feelings of Real Gratitude

Book Excerpt

Chapter 1: What is Pretense Gratitude?

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”
- Thich Nhat Hanh

There is much literature and other materials available on gratitude. So, we all know that the vibration of gratitude is the best vibration to keep the goodness flowing into our lives

But do we also know that just the intention of feeling grateful in order to let better things flow into our lives is enough to dilute the vibration of Real Gratitude?

I like to call this new diluted vibration, Pretense Gratitude, as it is precisely that - pretending to be grateful.

Pretense Gratitude is much more harmful because here we convince ourselves that we are grateful, but in reality, we are far from it. But since we are so thoroughly convinced, we do not really know.

This state of ignorance is so deep and dangerous that we fool ourselves, and we do not even know that we are fooling ourselves.

This new vibration of Pretense Gratitude becomes the way we feel gratitude. In the absence of deeply understanding the feeling and vibration of Real Gratitude, we just start to believe this new vibration is the real thing, thus, further going down the rabbit hole.

The Main Benefits of Real Gratitude are:

● Better Mental Health.

● Better Mental Resilience.

● Better Emotional Health.

● Better Relationships in Personal and Professional Areas.

● Better Physical Health.

● Better Energy Levels.

● Better Understanding of Modesty and Humility.

● Better Understanding of Kindness with Strength.

● Better Flow of Good Things in Life.

That is why gratitude matters so much, and so much literature is available on gratitude. The people who feel deep gratitude just once can never stop talking about it.

What is the Gratitude Vibration?

Before understanding the gratitude vibration, we have to go into a deeper elaboration of what vibration is and where and how it comes to be a part of the human body. An in-depth look at the mind needs to be taken to understand this.

I like to explain things simply so that everyone can understand them, and above all, my Clueless part can assimilate it better to be able to use the information well.

I do not like it when complicated explanations are given for the mind and thinking. Everyone can think. So, why make the process of thinking so complicated that a person cannot even appreciate it? The function of thinking is not a theoretical one. It is a practical ability that everyone has to use all their lives. How can any knowledge be duplicatable if it is made highly complicated?

So, I like to keep things simple and easy to comprehend.

Here’s More on the Mind and Body Connection:

● Subatomic Structure of Everyone and Everything:

All living and nonliving things are made up of atoms. The atoms can be subdivided into subatomic particles. The subatomic particles are protons, neutrons, and electrons. They are negligible mass particles with high levels of energy. This is the basic structure of everything - the device you are reading this on, the table, the chair, the air you are breathing, and even your body.

Subatomic particles are constantly vibrating at very high speeds. This is how they maintain their high levels of energy.

That is why everything is in constant movement. Nothing is constant.

Even a dead body is in a state of flux because its subatomic particles are still moving. It cannot replenish the energy, which is depleted due to the movement of the subatomic particles because the life-giving processes have ceased to operate in it. That is why the dead body keeps turning to dust. To facilitate this process, decay also happens in the form of other creatures preying upon it.

But, ultimately, the structure of everything and everyone is just the very same.

My Clueless part often ponders over questions like

● When we are built of such high-energy particles, why do we experience tiredness and loss of energy?

● When we are built of negligible mass particles, why do we face issues with excessive weight?

Aren’t these questions worth pondering?

Can you think of some answers?

I hope and wish that we deeply understand the connections between our physical structure and energy structure soon. I have a feeling that all the answers to all our existential crises lie in this knowledge gap.

“If you wish to understand the universe,
think of energy, frequency, and vibration.”
- Nikola Tesla

● Unique Human Existence:

What is mind?

When I ask this question in a seminar situation or in a coaching question, I get several answers. Most of these answers pertain to the brain, starting right from the structure of the brain to the complex and advanced processes that the brain employs.

If I ask to picture the mind, the same thing happens. People get a picture of the brain

I ask you - my readers, to picture the mind. What picture do you get?

Do you get a picture of the brain?

Now think, where are you getting this picture?

Is the picture in any physical part of your body, including your brain? Yes? No?

Where is this picture that you are getting so clearly? What is the location of this picture? Can you answer these questions?

This picture is in the mind - the invisible yet the most vital part of your existence.

Human beings have a unique existence. We have a physical structure, which is the visible part of the human body. And we can also access the invisible mind. The invisible mind is also an integral part of human existence.

If other living creatures also have any kind of access to the mind, we are not aware of it. This is because animals and plants cannot communicate and express the nature of their connectivity with the mind to us.

So the Clueless me thinks that there is a possibility that animals and plants may also have their own unique connectivity with the mind, but we do not know of it.

Mind is a movement. It is an activity. The mind exists in every cell of our being. It exists in the subatomic particles of our body. There is no place in the universe where the mind does not exist.

Our thinking process is such that we can only think of those things we can picture. Since the mind is invisible, it is hard for us to think of it.

Can you think of your house?

The moment you read this question, you get a picture of your house. Isn’t it?

Can you think of my house?

Do you draw a blank now? Why?

This is because you have never seen my house. There is no image in the repository of your mind which matches my actual house. So, you cannot picture my house. This mental repository is in a higher mental faculty called the Memory.

The interesting thing is that medical scientists have identified distinct areas in the brain associated with human memory function. Yet, in the previous paragraph, I said that Memory is a higher mental faculty associated with the mind. This is because the brain's memory areas cannot function in isolation. They function only in conjunction with something, which is like a higher energy source about which we do not know much. Not yet, at least. This higher energy source is the mind, which is invisible. The brain and mind operate in conjunction to create the perfect memory.

Some of you may have conjured up a picture of my house, but that is only because you triggered another higher faculty of your mind called Imagination. The imagination can create a picture, even when none exists

But this image that popped up in your mind of my house would be very different from my real house. This is an image created by your Imagination through several processes, collectively called, Creative Thinking.

Since we do not have a picture of the mind as it is invisible, and no one has ever seen it, we get confused when we are asked to picture the mind

We are most familiar with the brain because the brain is a part of the visible structure of the body, and we have already seen several pictures of the brain. We know that the brain is somehow associated with thinking, even if we are not aware of the actual complications of thinking. That is why, the moment I asked you to picture your mind, you came up with the image of the brain.

But the brain is not the mind. The brain and mind are two different entities. They are both absolutely vital for our existence. But they are not one and the same, as many times they are taken to be.

Take it a bit further - imagine if a person's brain and spinal cord of a living person are surgically extricated and kept in a jar in a laboratory. And, somehow, they are hooked up to a complex electric system, which provides them proper nourishment so that all the tissues and cells remain in a robust state and all the nerve impulses keep traveling. Do you think that the brain would still function? We know that the logical answer is “No.”

This is because the invisible movement that makes the brain activated, and do the wonders it does, is no longer connected with it. This invisible movement or activity is The Mind

Humans have so far not learned what connects the invisible energy structure with the physical body. Most people attribute this to some higher power and call it by numerous names, as guided by their religious and cultural backgrounds.

This little book is my small contribution to creating in-depth awareness of the two distinct parts of our existence - the invisible and visible parts.

Do You Want To See The Picture of The Mind?

Here is an image that was first drawn in 1931 by Dr. Thurman Fleet. (See Figure 1.1).

He was a chiropractor from San Antonio, Texas. While treating his patients, he saw different results with different people, even when they had the same ailments, and he used the same treatments to make them well.

He concluded that there was something beyond the physical structure of the human body, which was invisible but had a profound effect on all healing. This invisible entity was the mind.

He drew the following picture to show the mind-body connection.

(Figure 1.1)

I was introduced to this picture by my mentor, Bob Proctor, who I still consider to be a legend in Human Potential Enhancement. I am also a part of Bob’s Advanced Mind Camp, which has greatly helped my Cluelessness.

Although Dr. Thurman Fleet drew the mind as the upper, bigger circle, he knew that the mind cannot be confined by any boundaries.

This picture is only an imaginary picture so that we enable ourselves to understand the energy movement that the mind really is.

In the absence of a picture, we cannot think of the operations of the mind and therefore create confusion by thinking of the mind and the brain to be the same.

Dr. Fleet also pictorially showed that the mind is further divided into two parts - the conscious mind, and the subconscious mind. (See Figure 1.2).

The dividing line that he drew to separate the conscious mind from the subconscious mind is also for the sake of understanding only. There are no firm boundaries between the two parts of the mind.

Since the mind is only an energy movement, the flow of energy is in all directions.

(Figure 1.2)

The brain is a part of the physical structure of the body. If the brain stops functioning, we cannot think because we cannot access the energy of the invisible mind. So, the brain is the physical organ that is used to establish connectivity with the invisible activity called the mind.

When I started understanding this whole process of thinking as an energy exchange process, a lot of my Cluelessness got sorted

For the sake of better understanding, Dr. Thurman Fleet confines the mind to a circle, but, in reality, the picture would actually be closer to something like this. (See Figure 1.3).

(Figure 1.3)

● Main Characteristics of The Mind:

● The mind is an activity or a movement, which is propelled by thought energy.

● Thought energy is the highest and lightest form of energy.

● There is an unlimited reservoir of thought energy all around us, and inside of us. It can never get exhausted.

● Humans can pick up this thought energy and process it in the conscious mind. Some animals and plants can also do this, but only to a certain extent. (See Figure 1.4).

(Figure 1.4)

● There is a lot of thought energy interference and exchange that happens from the subconscious mind, in this conscious mind processing of thought energy. This interference is mainly in the form of stored past beliefs, paradigms, habits, and conditioning. These are basically the thoughts that have been stored inside of us, even from before our birth, and while we are growing up. Then we also keep adding to these stored bundles of thoughts all our lives.

● Eventually, an idea gets generated after lots of thinking. Sometimes the idea can be generated almost instantly. Mind is the fastest activity in the world. It can also be the slowest one.

● We can come up with innumerable thoughts and ideas because the thought energy is inexhaustible.

● All the progress in this world has happened because of this unique ability of humans to pick up this thought energy, and create an idea, and then make this idea work, through several actions. These actions involve physical exertions, using the visible structure of the body. But, the first action always happens in the invisible mind by way of thinking. (See Figure 1.5).

(Figure 1.5)

● The mind exists in every cell of our being.

● The mind exists in every molecule and atom of our being.

● There is only one mind. Each one of us is a part of it. It's like all the living, and nonliving things are a part of the movement called the mind.

● We all are floating around in an ocean of the mind. I like to call this ocean the Cytoplasm of the Mind. That's how we are all connected with each other, as well as with everything else in this universe. I am aware that the word cytoplasm may be a huge misnomer here. But, I still use it as that's how I want to show that we are all connected with each other, as well as with everything else in this universe. (See Figure 1.6).

(Figure 1.6)

● The Origin of Vibration:

● There is a constant flow of energy from the mind to the body.

● The brain is the organ, which assimilates this energy and through several complex reactions produces another type of energy called feelings. A bundle of feelings is called emotions. It becomes a part of every cell of our being.

● Even the vibration of the subatomic particles gets affected by the energy of our feelings and emotions. The ECG or EKG showing surges in their readings after a bad bout of emotional interactions is a sign of this. The ECG or EKG are tests that measure the electric signals sent by the heart into the nervous circuitry of the body. And, where does this electricity come from? Electricity is generated because of the movement of electrons, which are subatomic particles.

● The energy has no charge. It is neither positive nor negative. The effects of the energy of feelings can make us feel elated or depressed, depending upon the kind of thoughts, which generate these feelings.

● The effects of elation or depression felt by us because of the feelings of energy are usually called positive or negative. Since these effects are visible to us, the parlance of positive and negative has stuck. Otherwise, we know that energy cannot have any positive or negative charge.

● After processing and producing the feelings this thought energy also leaves the body. This energy emanating from the porous structure of the body is called vibration. (See Figure 1.7).

(Figure 1.7)

● The vibration emanating from the body is pure energy. This energy flows constantly. The sequence of energy flow is as follows:

1) Thoughts

2) Feelings

3) Emotions

4) Vibrations

5) Aura - This is the energy that collects around a person because of the above process. (See Figure 1.8).

(Figure 1.8)

● The vibration gives the most accurate idea of a person's thinking.

● A person can lie through his or her verbal communication. A person can even lie through his or her body language.

● The books, workshops, and seminars on body language focus on polishing the body language. People learn and implement these teachings and get their body language polished.

● But the thought still governs the final vibration emanating from the body.

● We can read the vibration emanating from the bodies of others by using our higher mental faculty of Intuition. We just keep reading the vibration of others intuitively.

● Sometimes, we meet a person and find that they are very polished in their speech and body language, but we still feel a certain discomfort in their presence. This is because we are reading their vibration inadvertently and read a particular discrepancy in their thoughts, which does not match their polished language and body language. This makes us uncomfortable and untrusting towards that person.

● We all have a higher mental faculty of Intuition. Even the animals have this. If you have a pet dog, you can see that they can read your vibration quite clearly. They can read your thoughts of despair especially clearly. Your dog shows extra love to you when you feel disparaged. You feel an extra closeness with your dog in such situations. That is why certain adults, who cannot talk and share their mental and emotional situations with other adults feel extra close to their pet dogs, and other pet creatures.

● People who have developed the higher mental faculty of Intuition can read the vibration of others even from a long distance. This is because time and space do not exist in mind. The mind is always HERE and in the NOW. .

● There are some people who can read a person's aura very clearly. They can tell a lot about a person’s personality because of this ability. What they are actually doing is that they are reading the thoughts of the person. These thoughts always have a profound effect on the personality of a person. That is why aura readers are able to tell so many things, so clearly, about their clients.

● If you wish to know more about the higher mental faculty of Intuition and the other higher mental faculties, you may want to read my upcoming books, Clueless About Love - The Transformational Power of Loving Your Own Self, and Clueless About Your Brain and Mind?

● In a dead body, this function of drawing the thought energy from the mind is stopped because the brain stops operating. So, the connection of the body with the movement of the mind stops functioning.

● When the mind and the brain connection stops working, there is still energy depletion happening from the body because the subatomic particles are still moving at rapid speeds.

● The energy, which gets depleted because of the high levels of movements of the subatomic particles, cannot be replenished in a dead body now that the brain and mind coordination cannot pick up the new thought energy from the surroundings.

● In the absence of the replenishment of energy, the body eventually turns into dust. This decay process is further accelerated by the other elements, like scavengers feeding on the body.

● Unique Human Ability to Change Vibration:

● Human beings are the only creatures who can change their vibration at will. We can do this by changing our thoughts.

● Other creatures like plants and animals operate on instincts. These are pre-programmed thought codes by which the creatures keep operating. That is why the area of operations is quite limited and primarily predetermined.

● Humans can change their thoughts by picking up new thought energy at will. This exclusive function of choice makes us the unique creatures that we are.

● Then, we can process the thought energy - as we want to - to produce the feeling we wish to experience. This is why different people can process the same thought differently. We use another higher mental faculty called Perception to do this.

● We also use the other higher mental faculties of Will, Imagination, Memory, and Reason to reach the conclusions that we wish to obtain.

● We generate the feelings that we wish to experience according to our choices. This is why different people reach different conclusions about the same thought; and also produce different feelings about the same things.

● The same incident can invoke different reactions from different people because the choices they make are different according to their usage of their higher mental faculties.

The above is a very hard-to-swallow pill. It puts us in a position of control over all the mental activities that happen to us. It also makes us blameworthy for all that goes wrong in our lives. The choice is a double-edged sword, and we sometimes wish that it does not remain with us. But, as humans, we do have a choice in how we process the thought energy and how we deal with the energy of our feelings and emotions.

● I personally believe that our birth may not be under our control. The body we take may also not be under our control. There can be enormous challenges associated with the physical structure that we take; and the time, place, people, and circumstances connected with our birth. We are not responsible for any of these challenges. But sorting them out enough so we can carve a life for ourselves is definitely a choice we have.

● As able-bodied human beings, we have full control over the process of thinking, provided we develop enough understanding and resilience to think, analyze, and interpret different things, situations, and people properly.

● When able-bodied people start to think that they have no choice over their thoughts, feelings, and actions, it can be the most pathetic and disastrous element of their lives.

● By able-bodied, I mean the people in whom the mind-body connection is functioning properly. We have amazing examples of people having extreme physical disabilities but who still made valid choices, which made their lives inspirational for all times to come. Two such people, who are very well known to us, are Nick Vujicic and Helen Keller. If you don’t know them, please do a Google search on them right now.

● I believe the greatest blessing in this universe is to be able to exercise the choice of utilizing the mind-body connection properly. The people in whom this function is damaged because of some injury or disease cannot exercise this function. This can be the biggest blow to anyone’s existence.

I hope and wish we learn more about the connection between our physical and energy structures soon. I just know that all the answers to all our existential crises lie in this knowledge gap.

I thought that this is worth repeating here.

The Vibration of Gratitude:

The vibration of gratitude is considered the purest and the highest vibration of all because this vibration encompasses all the greatest virtues a human being can have -

1) Thoughts of thankfulness.

2) Suppression of ego.

3) Elimination of pride.

4) Respect for moral values.

5) Integrity.

6) Stability.

7) Neutrality.

8) Trust and trustworthiness.

9) Steadfastness.

10) Persistence.

11) Humility.

12) Dignity.

13) Reverence for life.

As you can see, thoughts of thankfulness take the first place on this list.

The vibration of gratitude begins to be created with thoughts of thankfulness.

The thoughts of thankfulness are the first step on the ladder, which leads to the vibration of gratitude. They are the means to the end. They should not be considered to be all and end all, for the vibration of gratitude.

I see a lot of people stopping at this first step. Unfortunately, I have also seen them to be the most vociferous proponents of the thoughts of thankfulness, to be taken as feelings of gratitude. They lack some or all of the other virtues on the list mentioned above.

The thoughts of thankfulness, taken to be gratitude, also produce a confusing vibration emanating from the body. This is the vibration, which feels unnatural because it is about pretending something which is not really there. This is why I call this new vibration, Pretense Gratitude.

Someone may have a question when a person does not know the difference between being thankful and being grateful, how is it that their vibration seems to be false and full of pretense?

present, and future are all known to the subconscious mind. That is why the people who pretend that thankfulness is gratefulness seem false, and we just inherently know that they are pretending.

Describing the treasures of the subconscious mind is beyond the scope of this book. I will bring out a book on this subject soon.

How to reach feelings of Real Gratitude is described in the subsequent chapters.

Read the complete book to prevent Pretense Gratitude from causing hindrance in your path to reaching all your desires and dreams.