10 Things That Make Men Annoying and Creepy to Women

10 things that make men look creepy to women

Do you wish to be attractive to women? Do you feel women just stay away from you?

Check out the following creepy things that several men do, many times unconsciously. These things can hurt your image and fetch you a very bad image amongst women. Over time, this image gives you a creepy and annoying reputation that sticks and is extremely hard to shed.

1. Staring Long and Hard:

You may like a woman and then you go on staring at her long and hard. Well, that’s very creepy. And, it’s creepy not just to women but to almost everyone. Still, many men continue with the staring.

So guys, if you like a lady and want to look at her, just glance at her but don’t keep staring.

Here you need to have a balance. Because if you glance and turn your gaze quickly away when she looks at you, then too it is very creepy.

So, if she happens to look at you while you are glancing at her, just give a small smile, and then look away.  This will spark her curiosity and may lead to her interest.

2. Smiling Long and Hard:

If you have a smile pasted on your face too much, too hard and too long, that’s creepy to a woman. This happens all the more when you are slightly high.

So take care guys, either don’t drink yourself silly, or have control over your smile. Don’t give a chance to women to think that you are creepy.  

3. Laughing Long and Hard: 

Laughing lots and lots on silly things is something that can be very creepy to women.

If you love to crack jokes, be very careful. If you laugh on everything and consider that you have a great sense of humor, it can be devastating to your image in the eyes of women. 

4. Lying a Bit Too Much:

If you are one of those men who like to tell lots of stories, beware when you cross the lines and become untruthful. While you may think lying is sexy, it is not so. Women get to understand your lies and even if they don’t react immediately; they will pull away slowly and surely

5. Touching Women when Not Needed:

This is a very big one. Women just hate it when you try to touch them too much.

If you think that you are acting friendly and so get a right to touch a woman, you’re so totally wrong.

I have seen that some men try to touch women in order to show their care and concern. This could be a pat on the back, shoulder or arm rub, or a hand grab, or an innocuous tap on the knee.

Remember, all these can be done in any public place without attracting any undue attention. Therefore, many men actually do it, thinking that they can get away with it easily.

Bad news is – you can look very creepy to women, if you touch them unnecessarily. So, after a handshake, and if you are on better terms, even a hug, keep your hands to yourself as a matter of rule.

6. Talking about Sex:

Talking about sex is a very common thing at workplaces these days. Many corporate workplaces have both male and female colleagues indulging in talks about sex.

Some men can take it to the far extreme. They think that women actually like their talking about sex all the time. So they do it.

Nothing can be farther from the truth.

While women may indulge in such talks up to a bit, they mostly do it in order to look involved in the group.

Women too discuss sex but as a matter of rule, they do it within their close circles of friends. So, take care while cracking jokes about sex, or indulging in revealing too much about your sex life if you do not wish to hurt your image and your reputation with women

7. Hitting on Women Far Apart in Age from You:

If you are one of those men who love hitting on women, take care that you don’t do it on women who are either much younger or much older than you.

While there may be no written rules about this, one thing is quite certain that women feel you are creepy if you hit on just about any woman in any age bracket.

It can be very annoying to women if you continuously keep up with this behavior. 

8. Acting Too Intense and Serious:

If you like to play it too intense thinking that it gives you a serious image in front of women, think again. Women may initially feel attracted to you for your intensity. But, usually this attraction is short-lived.

Too much of intensity and seriousness can actually make you look very creepy

9. Being Too Jealous and Extra Possessive:

This is very well known that women like some amount of possessiveness by men. They feel as if they are being cared for and like you to be concerned about them.

But, if you cross the line of possessiveness and border on jealousy, be prepared as you will come across as creepy to women.

Some extra possessiveness can be annoying at first. But, downright jealousy is a big no-no.

10. Not Using Skin Care:

If you feel that not taking care of your skin gives you a rugged look, that’s not true at all. You have to take care of your skin to look vibrant.

Women can tell very quickly if you like to take care of your skin. They can also tell very quickly if you like to take care of your skin too much.

So, just some moisturizer, aftershave lotion, deodorizer, powder, and hair wax or cream are just fine for you to feel good and look great.

Solution: Don’t do the above-highlighted points, would be a simple solution. But, simple does not mean easy by any chance. So, check yourself at every point highlighted above. Remember, women are very perceptive and most women are also very intuitive. So taking a balanced approach will take you a long distance with them. Excesses of any kind will get detected eventually, and are generally taken very hard

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