The Indian Army

Conducted Program on Mental Resilience

The Indian Army is one of the most honourable institutions of the country, which has time and again lived up to its strong tradition of valour, heroism, sacrifice, and fortitude. It stands ever vigilant and watchful along the obstreperous borders of the country so that the citizenry can live in peace and can remain fearless and productive.


The greatest binding force in the Indian Army is its tradition of cohesion, motivation, and performance under the harshest perceivable conditions.


“Service before Self” is the motto of The Indian Army. The tradition of identification with the individual Units, staying for long durations in harsh weather and other lean conditions, remaining away from the families, and constant result-oriented performance, sometimes has a toll on the mental, emotional and physical conditions of the personnel.


To add to these is the toll on the psyche inflicted by having to control riotous mobs inside the country, as The Indian Army personnel are trained to fight their enemies, not their own country people.


Neena Dayal has had the privilege of coaching some of the officers of The Indian Army on her Signature Program of Mental Resilience.


Mental Resilience Program is a multi-faceted one. The core objective of the program, as the name suggests, is to create resilience in the participants. Resilience is that indomitable quality, which when developed makes a person discover their motivational triggers automatically. This makes them realize the real reasons why they choose their professional and personal goals. Thinking about these reasons automatically keeps them persevering hard to attain their goals, no matter how much the going gets tough.


Resilience is much needed under the situations where The Indian Army operates.


While doing these coaching programs Neena also gets to learn so much more about life, goals, purpose and well, Mental Resilience itself.


Since Executive, Entrepreneurial and Faculty Development Coaching is linked with a high level of confidentiality, Neena does not divulge the names of her Coaching Clients unless she has express permission from them. Some of her Coaching Clients have given her testimonials out of their own free will. If you wish to check these, please go through the Testimonials Pages of this website. 

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