Success Synergy Enterprises

5 Reasons Why you need a Business Coach in 2020

Coaching is valued approximately at USD 2.5 billion industry and is considered to be one of the fastest growing segments. Whenever something grows this rapidly, the real reasons are always the increasing demand and the good results that must be getting produced for all concerned players.

I had accumulated more than 12,000 hours of active coaching experience since the time I started in 2013. Nearing 2019, I stopped counting the clock because the initial excitement of gathering experience had by now turned into sobriety, which stayed and eventually turned into maturity, thankfully! 🙂

Most part of my work experience has been of Business Coaching, although, I do wish to add, maybe to the displeasure of some of my worthy colleagues, that I don’t believe that any Business Coaching exercise worth its merit is totally devoid of Life Coaching inputs. At least mine isn’t.

This main reason why I think so is because business can be a very emotional as well as stressful part of life. And once you get on familiar and close terms with the people you are coaching, they start sharing several parts of their personal lives also with you. Then, at times, you also tend to give them guidance. In time, it becomes your style.

At least, my style evolved this way and this has given me several endearing moments with my esteemed Business Coaching clients.

If you are building a Personal Brand, or your Company Brand, which is in reality, a natural extension of your core values, having a Business Coach is a very good idea for the following reasons: 

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1) Correct Framing – Is All About Setting and Managing the Customer Expectations Correctly:

Framing is a part of branding, which is least understood by most business people. Framing is all about putting you and your business in the light of expectations that your customers have from you and/or your business. 

For instance, when someone visits your website they may or may not be looking for anything. But, if your website fulfills the parameters of correct framing they will leave with a certain expectation from you and your business.

A good business coach can do this expectation setting and management very well, and thus can do the correct framing for you as well as your business.

This is effectively done with hooks, lead magnets, offers and other elements on your website, which are visible at the first instance, and are noticeable instantly.

2) Right Positioning – Is All About Right Positioning of Your Products and Services to the Right Target Audiences:

Right positioning to the target audience is absolutely crucial for your business because this is the best way to get the fastest results without wastage of resources and time.

A good business coach can take your products and services to the right audience by rightly positioning them. This is done by thorough research and analysis of your target audience, so that it ultimately seems that you are speaking to that last one person in your target audience. After this is effectively done all your marketing efforts start to reap magical results.

3) Deeper Bonding – Is All About the Humane Touch:

In this era of clutter and excessive noise, it becomes imperative that you form deep bonds with your target audience as this is the best thing that can build long-term customer loyalties.  

A good business coach can help you in developing deeper and more meaningful bonds with your target audience. This leads to repeat business and in time, productive and sustainable results also emerge with regularity. 

4) Desirable Marketing – Is All About Avoiding Wasteful Marketing Efforts:

It is usually seen that a large part of the marketing efforts don’t yield much results. Somehow, if something could be done to avoid all that waste, it could lead to desirable marketing results.  

A good business coach generally has an insight, which comes more often than not with experiential learning that can lead you to focus only on desirable marketing efforts. This not only avoids wasteful expenditures and saves valuable time, but many times can lead to some unique pathways, which become associated with your brand’s identity.

I have seen that associating the brand’s name with some educational and social welfare activities gives good results for opening desirable marketing channels.

5) Autopilot Selling – Is All About Creating Authority and Commanding the Field:

The ultimate goal of all business activities is to sell the products and services, and to create scalable business results.

A good business coach can help you develop enough authority so as to put your sales on autopilot. This ensures sustainable growth of your business.

These are some of the most important reasons why you and your business need a Business Coach. Better to go for them sooner than later.